Перевод: со всех языков на английский

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grease grade

  • 1 Dyed In The Grease

    Low-grade worsteds that are dyed as they come from the loom, without being scoured first. Dyeing in the grease is used only for black and blue colours.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Dyed In The Grease

  • 2 морская смазка (нефтяное масло высокой вязкозти , загущенное каким-либо материалом)

    Pumps: marine grease (marine-grade grease)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > морская смазка (нефтяное масло высокой вязкозти , загущенное каким-либо материалом)

  • 3 морская смазка

    Pumps: (нефтяное масло высокой вязкозти, загущенное каким-либо материалом) marine grease (marine-grade grease)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > морская смазка

  • 4 материал

    fabric, absorbent material, material, matter, medium, stuff, substance
    * * *
    материа́л м.
    1. material
    2. ( сырьё) stock
    абрази́вный материа́л — abrasive (material)
    классифици́ровать абрази́вный материа́л (напр. методом ситового анализа) — grade an abrasive (material) (e. g., by the use of screens or sieves)
    автокла́вный материа́л — steam-cured [steam(-and-pressure) cured] material
    агломери́рованный материа́л — sintered material
    акти́вный материа́л — active material
    1. ( для лазеров) laser [lasing] material, laser [lasing] medium
    выра́щивать акти́вный материа́л (напр. из расплава) — grow a laser material (e. g., from melt)
    2. ( для мазеров) maser [masing] material, maser [masing] medium
    акусти́ческий материа́л — acoustical material
    амортизи́рующий материа́л — damping material
    анизотро́пный материа́л — anisotropic material
    антикоррозио́нный материа́л — anticorrosive material
    асбе́стовый руло́нный материа́л — asbestos blanket
    асбестоцеме́нтный материа́л — cementitious [asbestos-cement] material
    би́тумный материа́л — asphaltic material, asphaltic product
    буто́вочный материа́л — filler
    виброизоляцио́нный материа́л — vibrated insulating material
    воздухововлека́ющий материа́л — air-entraining agent
    волокни́стый материа́л — fibrous material
    волокно́вый материа́л ( в порошковой металлургии) — fibrous material
    воспламеня́ющийся материа́л — inflammable material
    воспроизводя́щий материа́л яд. физ.breeder material
    всплыва́ющий материа́л — floatable material
    вспомога́тельный материа́л
    1. физ. accessory material
    2. ( для уплотнения) auxiliary material
    вспу́чивающий материа́л — bloating agent, bloater
    материа́л в технологи́ческом проце́ссе — in-process material
    высокоогнеупо́рный материа́л — high refractory
    высу́шиваемый материа́л — dryable material
    вя́жущий материа́л — binding material, binder
    вя́жущий, возду́шный материа́л — airbinder
    вя́жущий, гидравли́ческий материа́л — hydraulic binding material
    вя́жущий, ги́псовый материа́л — alabaster binding material
    вя́жущий, магнезиа́льный материа́л — magnesia binding material
    вя́жущий, минера́льный материа́л — mineral binding material
    вя́жущий, органи́ческий материа́л — organic binding material
    вязкоупру́гий материа́л — viscoelastic material
    герметизи́рующий материа́л — sealing material; ( обволакивающий) encapsulant; ( заливающий) potting compound
    гидроизоляцио́нный материа́л — hydraulic insulating material
    горю́чий материа́л — combustible material
    гу́бчатый материа́л — sponge material
    дефици́тный материа́л — scarce material
    диспе́рсно-упрочнё́нный материа́л — dispersion-hardened material
    диэлектри́ческий материа́л — dielectric
    материа́л для уплотне́ния швов — joint-sealing material
    материа́л для я́дерного реа́ктора — nuclear [pile] material
    до́норный материа́л — donor material
    доро́жно-строи́тельный материа́л — roadbuilding material
    дуби́льный материа́л — tanning material
    жаропро́чный материа́л — high-temperature [beat-proof] material
    жаросто́йкий материа́л — beat-resisting material
    жё́сткий материа́л — inflexible [rigid, stiff] material
    жирова́льный материа́л — tanner grease, tanning oil
    закла́дочный материа́л горн.stowage material
    запра́вочный материа́л — fettling material; ( в производстве огнеупоров) make-up material
    защи́тный материа́л яд. физ. — shielding [protective] material
    звукозаглуша́ющий материа́л — sound-damping material
    звукоизоляцио́нный материа́л — sound insulator, sound-insulating material
    звукоизоляцио́нный, нама́зываемый материа́л — troweled-on acoustical material
    звукоизоляцио́нный, напыля́емый материа́л — sprayed-on acoustical material
    звукопоглоща́ющий материа́л — sound-absorbing material, acoustical absorbent
    звукопоглоща́ющий, моноли́тный материа́л — monolithic sound-acoustical material
    зерни́стый материа́л — granular material
    изоляцио́нный материа́л — insulating material, insulator, insulating
    изотро́пный материа́л — isotropic material
    ине́ртный материа́л — inert material
    инструмента́льный материа́л — tool material
    ионообме́нный материа́л — ion-exchange material
    исхо́дный материа́л — source material
    керами́ческий материа́л
    1. ceramic [sintered] material
    2. ( изделие) стр. (structural) clay product
    кислотосто́йкий материа́л — acid-proof material
    кислотоупо́рный материа́л — acid-proof material
    классифици́рованный материа́л — classified [graded] material
    коксу́ющийся уноси́мый материа́л — charring ablative material
    композицио́нный материа́л — composite material
    конструкцио́нный материа́л — structural material, material of construction
    конструкцио́нный, неру́дный материа́л — nonmetallic construction of material
    конта́ктный материа́л — contact material
    коррозионносто́йкий материа́л — corrosion-resistant [rust-resisting] material
    кристалли́ческий материа́л — crystalline material
    кро́вельный материа́л — roofing material
    кро́вельный, руло́нный материа́л — roll (roofing) material
    кро́ющий материа́л — covering material, coating
    кусково́й материа́л — lump material
    лакокра́сочный материа́л — paintwork material
    листово́й материа́л — ( тонкий) sheet material; ( толстый) plate material
    литьево́й материа́л — (injection-)moulding material
    люминесци́рующий материа́л — fluorescent material
    магни́тно-жё́сткий материа́л — hard magnetic material
    магни́тно-мя́гкий материа́л — soft magnetic material
    магни́тно-твё́рдый материа́л — hard magnetic material
    магни́тный материа́л — magnetic material
    магнитоопти́ческий материа́л — magneto-opticmaterial
    магнитострикцио́нный материа́л — magnetostrictive material
    маслосто́йкий материа́л — oil-resistant material
    ма́тричный материа́л полигр.flong
    машинострои́тельный материа́л — engineering material
    металлокерами́ческий материа́л — cement, sintered powder metal
    металлокерами́ческий, магни́тный материа́л — magnetic cermet
    металлокерами́ческий, по́ристый материа́л — porous cermet
    металлокерами́ческий, фрикцио́нный материа́л — friction cermet
    многосло́йный материа́л — multilayer material
    мо́лотый материа́л — comminuted [ground] material
    морозосто́йкий материа́л — frost-proof material
    наби́вочный материа́л — ( уплотнительный) packing, stuffing; ( подливочный) padding
    набо́рный материа́л — type matter
    материа́л нава́лом — bulk material
    материа́л накла́дки — facing [lining] material
    насыпно́й материа́л — bulk material
    неакти́вный материа́л — inert material
    невоспламеня́ющийся материа́л — non-flammable material
    негати́вный материа́л кфт.negative material
    немагни́тный материа́л — non-magnetic material
    неметалли́ческий материа́л — non-metallic material
    неодноро́дный материа́л — heterogeneous material
    непо́ристый материа́л — non-porous material
    несжима́емый материа́л — incompressible material
    низкосо́ртный материа́л — low-grade material
    обё́рточный материа́л — wrapping material, wrap (per)
    обжига́емый материа́л — calcinable material
    оби́вочный материа́л — upholstery material
    обкла́дочный материа́л полигр.furniture
    облицо́вочный материа́л — ( внешний) facing material; ( внутренний) lining material
    обогащё́нный материа́л — enriched material
    обрабо́танный материа́л — finished stock, finished material
    обти́рочный материа́л — cleaning [wiping] material, wiping rags
    огнезащи́тный материа́л — fire-proof material
    огнесто́йкий материа́л — fire-resistant material
    огнеупо́рный материа́л — refractory
    огнеупо́рный, торкрети́рованный материа́л — sprayed refractory
    однокомпоне́нтный материа́л — single material
    одноро́дный материа́л — homogeneous material
    однофа́зовый материа́л — single-phase material
    озоносто́йкий материа́л — ozone-resisting material
    оптоакусти́ческий материа́л — optoacoustic material
    оседа́ющий материа́л — settling material
    материа́л основа́ния печа́тной пла́ты — base material
    отде́лочный материа́л — leather finishing agent
    парамагни́тный материа́л — paramagnetic material
    перви́чный материа́л — raw material
    печа́тный материа́л полигр.printed matter
    пласти́чный материа́л — plastic material
    подкисля́ющий материа́л — acidifier
    подкле́ечный материа́л — adhesive backer
    по́довый материа́л — bottoms material
    подо́швенный материа́л кож.soling
    подсо́бный материа́л — incidental material
    подшихто́вочный материа́л — feed-adjusting [charge-adjusting] material
    позити́вный материа́л кфт.positive material
    полиме́рный материа́л — polymeric material
    полирова́льный материа́л — polish, polishing compound
    полупроводнико́вый материа́л — semiconducting [semiconductor] material
    по́ристый материа́л — porous material
    порошкообра́зный материа́л — powder(ed) material
    поса́дочный материа́л — planting stock
    посевно́й материа́л — seed grain, seeds
    приро́дный материа́л — natural material
    приса́дочный материа́л — filler material
    пробе́льный материа́л — spacing material
    пробе́льный и обкла́дочный материа́л — furniture
    пробе́льный, междустро́чный материа́л — leads
    пробе́льный, поло́сный материа́л — leads and slogs
    пробе́льный, стро́чной материа́л — quads and spaces
    проводнико́вый материа́л — conducting material
    произво́дственные, вспомога́тельные материа́лы — indirect materials
    произво́дственные, основны́е материа́лы — direct materials
    прока́тный материа́л — rolled stock
    прокла́дочный материа́л — sealing [packing, leak-proofing] material
    противоприга́рный материа́л литейн. — parting material, parting paint
    про́фильный материа́л — section material, sections, shapes; ( полученный методом прессования) extrusions
    прутко́вый материа́л — bar material, bar stock
    псевдопласти́чный материа́л — pseudo-plastic material
    пьезорезисти́вный материа́л — piezoresistive material
    рекла́мный материа́л — advertising matter
    сверхпроводя́щий материа́л — superconductor
    светочувстви́тельный материа́л кфт.light-sensitive material
    сегнетоэлектри́ческий материа́л — ferroelectric material
    семенно́й материа́л — seed grain, seeds
    материа́л с избира́тельным поглоще́нием — frequency-selective damping material
    силикатобето́нный материа́л — silicate concrete material
    скле́иваемый материа́л — adherend
    сланцезо́льный материа́л — ash-shale [cinder-shale] material
    слежа́вшийся материа́л — packed material
    сма́зочный материа́л — lubricant
    сма́зочный, идеа́льный материа́л — ideal lubricant
    сма́зочный, промы́шленный материа́л — industrial lubricant
    сма́зочный материа́л с противозади́рной приса́дкой — anti-galling [anti-scoring] lubricant
    материа́л с ма́лым коэффицие́нтом расшире́ния — low-expansion material
    сме́шиваемый материа́л ( способный смешиваться с другим) — miscible material
    материа́л с непрямоуго́льной петлё́й (гистере́зиса) — non-square-loop material
    составно́й материа́л — composite material
    спечё́нный материа́л — sintered material
    материа́л с прямоуго́льной петлё́й (гистере́зиса) — square-loop [square BH-loop] material
    материа́л с со́бственной проводи́мостью — intrinsic material
    стекловолокни́стый материа́л — glass-fibre material
    строи́тельный материа́л — building material
    материа́л с у́зкой запрещё́нной зо́ной — narrow-gap material
    материа́л с широ́кой запрещё́нной зо́ной — wide-gap material
    сыпу́чий материа́л — loose [granular] material
    сыро́й материа́л — raw material
    та́рный материа́л — container material
    теплозащи́тный уноси́мый материа́л — ablative beat shield material
    теплоизоляцио́нный материа́л — beat-insulating material
    термомагни́тный материа́л — thermomagnetimaterial
    термопласти́чный материа́л — thermoplastic material
    тонколистово́й материа́л — sheet material
    тонкоплё́ночный материа́л — thin-film material
    трасси́рующий материа́л ( в дефектоскопии) — flaw-detecting material
    упако́вочный материа́л — packaging material
    уплотня́ющий материа́л — sealing [packing, leak-proofing] material, sealant
    упру́гий материа́л — elastic material
    упру́го-пласти́ческий материа́л — elasto-plastic material
    устано́вочные материа́лы — wiring accessories
    фа́зовый материа́л — phase material
    ферромагни́тный материа́л — ferromagnetic material
    фильтру́ющий материа́л — filter medium
    флоти́рующийся материа́л — flotable material
    флюсу́ющий материа́л — fluxing agent
    формо́вочный материа́л — moulding material
    фотографи́ческий материа́л — photographic material
    фотоупру́гий материа́л — photoelastic material
    фотоэмиссио́нный материа́л — photoemissive material
    футеро́вочный материа́л — lining material
    хру́пкий материа́л — brittle material
    шиноремо́нтный материа́л — tyre repair material
    ши́хтовый твё́рдый материа́л — cold-charge [solid charge] material
    шлакобразу́ющий материа́л — slag-forming material
    шлифова́льный материа́л — grinding material
    штукату́рный отде́лочный материа́л — fine stuff
    щёлочесто́йкий материа́л — alkali-resisting material
    экрани́рующий материа́л — shielding material
    электроизоляцио́нный материа́л — electrical insulating material
    электроопти́ческий материа́л — electrooptic material
    электропроводя́щий материа́л — current-conducting material
    электротехни́ческий материа́л — electrotechnical material

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > материал

  • 5 универсальный

    Универсальный - universal, versatile; universally successful; general-purpose, all-purpose (многоцелевой); multi-grade (всесезонный)
     A relatively inexpensive and universal experimental technique has been proposed to study fracture toughness of structural materials over a wide range of loading rates.
     The NASA code is extremely versatile, and can be used to calculate chemical equilibrium at assigned thermodynamic states.
     Multi-grade oils can be used to avoid oil changes as a function of ambient temperature (... Можно использовать всесезонное масло...).
     These [criteria] have not proven to be universally successful.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > универсальный

  • 6 Konsistenzklasse

    f < tribo> ■ consistency grade; grease number; consistency number

    German-english technical dictionary > Konsistenzklasse

  • 7 pinta

    1 spot.
    2 appearance (aspecto).
    tener pinta de algo to look o seem something
    tiene buena pinta it looks good
    4 graffiti (pintada). (Mexican Spanish)
    5 cative, pannus carateus.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: pintar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: pintar.
    * * *
    1 (mancha) dot
    2 (medida) pint
    ¡vaya una pinta que llevas con ese traje! you look dreadful in that suit!
    1 familiar peyorativo (persona) dodgy character
    * * *
    noun f.
    2) pint
    * * *
    1) (=lunar) [gen] spot, dot; (Zool) spot, mark
    2) [de líquidos] drop, spot; [de lluvia] drop; (=bebida) * drop to drink
    3) * (=aspecto) appearance

    tener buena pinta[persona] to look good, look well; [comida] to look good

    tiene pinta de español — he looks Spanish, he looks like a Spaniard

    ¿qué pinta tiene? — what does he look like?

    - estar a la pinta
    4) LAm (Zool) (=colorido) colouring, coloring (EEUU), coloration; (=característica) family characteristic, distinguishing mark
    5) CAm, Méx (=pintada) piece of graffiti
    6) (Naipes) spot ( indicating suit)

    ¿a qué pinta? — what's trumps?, what suit are we in?

    7) And, Cono Sur (=juego) draughts pl ; (=dados) dice
    8) Cono Sur (Min) high-grade ore
    - hacer pinta
    SF (=medida inglesa) pint
    * SM rogue
    * * *
    a) (fam) ( aspecto)

    ¿dónde vas con esa(s) pinta(s)? — where are you going looking like that?

    echar or tirar (Andes) or hacer (RPl) — (fam) to impress

    b) (Chi fam) ( vestimenta) clothes (pl), outfit
    a) ( en una tela) spot, dot
    b) (Zool) spot
    3) ( medida) pint
    4) (Méx fam) ( de la escuela)

    irse de pinta — to play hooky* (esp AmE colloq), to skive off (school) (BrE colloq)

    masculino (Esp fam) rogue (colloq)
    * * *
    2 = rapscallion, rogue, rascal, look, scallywag [scalawag, -USA].
    Ex. In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.
    Ex. Some headings are vague and without scope notes to define them: ROBBERS AND OUTLAWS; CRIME AND CRIMINALS; rogues AND VAGABONDS.
    Ex. And although they may pose themselves as very religious, they are simply rascals.
    Ex. We went head-to-head with those that wanted a uniform look for the whole library Website!.
    Ex. In other words, we either have morons or thugs running the White House -- or perhaps one moron, one thug, and a smattering of scalawags in between.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * * *
    a) (fam) ( aspecto)

    ¿dónde vas con esa(s) pinta(s)? — where are you going looking like that?

    echar or tirar (Andes) or hacer (RPl) — (fam) to impress

    b) (Chi fam) ( vestimenta) clothes (pl), outfit
    a) ( en una tela) spot, dot
    b) (Zool) spot
    3) ( medida) pint
    4) (Méx fam) ( de la escuela)

    irse de pinta — to play hooky* (esp AmE colloq), to skive off (school) (BrE colloq)

    masculino (Esp fam) rogue (colloq)
    * * *
    1 = stain.
    Nota: Mancha rojiza u ocre que aparece en el papel de los libros debido a la humedad.

    Ex: Even though the facsimilist's paper is of the same period as that of the rest of the book, he is most unlikely to be able to match it precisely in all its characteristics thickness, texture, colour, chain-lines, watermark, and the propinquity of worm-holes and stains.

    3 = pint.

    Ex: Two million fewer pints of beer are being sold every day than a year ago as a resul of the present economic crisis.

    2 = rapscallion, rogue, rascal, look, scallywag [scalawag, -USA].

    Ex: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.

    Ex: Some headings are vague and without scope notes to define them: ROBBERS AND OUTLAWS; CRIME AND CRIMINALS; rogues AND VAGABONDS.
    Ex: And although they may pose themselves as very religious, they are simply rascals.
    Ex: We went head-to-head with those that wanted a uniform look for the whole library Website!.
    Ex: In other words, we either have morons or thugs running the White House -- or perhaps one moron, one thug, and a smattering of scalawags in between.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.

    * * *
    1 ( fam)
    (aspecto): ¡qué buena pinta tiene el pastel! the cake looks delicious o great!
    tiene pinta de extranjero he looks foreign
    tiene pinta de delincuente he has a shady look about him ( colloq), he looks like a criminal
    ¿dónde vas con esa(s) pinta(s)? where are you going looking like that?
    ¡qué pinta(s) llevas! pareces un pordiosero just look at you! you look like a beggar
    hacer pinta ( RPl) or ( Chi) tirar pinta or ( Col) echar pinta ( fam); to impress
    se puso la chaqueta nueva para hacer pinta she put on her new jacket to show off o to impress ( colloq)
    salió en el auto del papá a tirar pinta he went out in his dad's car to impress everyone with it
    ser algn en pinta ( RPl fam); to be the spitting image of sb
    2 ( Chi fam) (vestimenta) clothes (pl), outfit
    ponerse la pinta ( Col fam); to put on one's glad rags ( colloq), to get dressed up to the nines ( colloq)
    1 (en una tela) spot, dot
    2 ( Zool) spot
    C (medida) pint
    ( Méx fam) (de la escuela): irse de pinta to play hooky* ( esp AmE colloq), to skive off (school) ( BrE colloq)
    ( Esp fam)
    rogue ( colloq), dodgy character ( colloq)
    * * *

    Del verbo pintar: ( conjugate pintar)

    pinta es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    pinta sustantivo femenino
    1 (fam) ( aspecto) look;

    tiene pinta de extranjero he looks foreign;
    ¿dónde vas con esa(s) pinta(s)? where are you going looking like that?;
    echar or tirar (Andes) or (RPl) hacer pinta (fam) to impress
    2 (en tela, animal) spot
    3 ( medida) pint
    4 (Méx fam) ( de la escuela):
    irse de pinta to play hooky( conjugate hooky) (esp AmE colloq), to skive off (school) (BrE colloq)

    pintar ( conjugate pintar) verbo transitivo

    pinta algo al óleo to paint sth in oils
    b) (fam) ( dibujar) to draw

    verbo intransitivo

    b) (fam) ( dibujar) to draw

    2 ( en naipes) to be trumps
    pintarse verbo pronominal ( refl) ( maquillarse) to put on one's makeup;

    pintase los ojos to put on eye makeup;
    pintase las uñas to paint one's nails
    pinta sustantivo femenino
    1 fam (aspecto) look
    2 (mancha, mota) dot, spot
    3 (medida) pint
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (una superficie) to paint
    2 (dibujar) to draw, sketch
    3 (una situación) describe: me pintó su viaje con todo detalle, he described his trip in graphic detail
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (un bolígrafo, etc) to write
    2 (ser importante) to count: ella no pintaba nada allí, she was out of place there
    3 (en juegos de naipes) to be trumps

    ' pinta' also found in these entries:
    - come in
    - half-pint
    - look
    - pint
    - pt
    - sleazy
    - wash
    - gill
    - half
    - hooky
    - oil
    - speckle
    - truant
    - wet
    * * *
    1. [lunar] spot
    2. [aspecto]
    tiene pinta de estar enfadado he looks like he's annoyed;
    tiene buena pinta it looks good;
    ese cocido tiene muy buena pinta that stew looks delicious;
    ¡menuda pinta tienes, todo lleno de barro! you look a real sight, all covered in mud!;
    echar o [m5] hacer o [m5] tirar pinta to show off;
    ser alguien en pinta to be the spitting image of sb
    3. [unidad de medida] pint
    4. Méx [pintada] graffiti
    5. Méx
    irse de pinta [hacer novillos] Br to play truant, US to play hookey
    Urug Fam [hombre] guy, Br bloke; [mujer] woman
    * * *
    1 medida pint
    2 aspecto looks pl ;
    tener buena pinta fig look inviting;
    tener pinta de look like
    * * *
    pinta nf
    1) : dot, spot
    2) : pint
    3) fam : aspect, appearance
    las peras tienen buena pinta: the pears look good
    4) pintas nfpl Mex: graffiti
    * * *
    1. (mancha) spot
    2. (medida) pint

    Spanish-English dictionary > pinta

  • 8 duro

    1 hard, hard-core, stiff, strong.
    2 hard, hard-boiled, hard-bitten, severe.
    3 hard, tough, difficult, rough.
    4 headstrong, unbending, obdurate.
    5 harsh, severe.
    hard, with force.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: durar.
    * * *
    1 hard
    2 (carne) tough; (pan) stale
    3 (difícil) hard, difficult
    4 (cruel) tough, hardhearted, callous
    5 (resistente) strong, tough
    6 (obstinado) obstinate, stubborn
    1 (antiguamente) five pesetas; (moneda) five-peseta coin
    2 familiar tough guy
    1 hard
    ser duro,-a de mollera to be thick, be as thick as two short planks
    1 (antiguamente) five pesetas; (moneda) five-peseta coin
    2 familiar tough guy
    1 hard
    * * *
    1. adv. 2. (f. - dura)
    1) hard
    * * *
    duro, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=resistente) [material, superficie, cama, agua] hard; [cable, alambre] stiff; [pan] hard, stale; [carne] tough; [legumbres] hard; [articulación, mecanismo] stiff; [músculo] firm, hard
    2) (=agresivo) [clima, tiempo, crítica] harsh, severe; [deporte, juego] rough; [ataque] fierce; [castigo, sentencia] severe, harsh; [carácter, actitud] tough

    fue un duro golpe para el partidoit was a severe o heavy blow to the party

    una postura dura contra la drogaa tough stance o hard line against drugs

    es muy duro con sus hijoshe's very strict o tough with his children

    hay que tener mano dura con los estudiantesyou have to be firm o strict with students, students need a firm hand

    3) (=difícil) [tarea, prueba, examen] hard

    lo tienes duro para aprobar* it will be hard o difficult for you to pass

    ¡qué dura es la vida! — it's a hard life!

    4) * (=torpe)

    duro de molleradense *, dim *

    duro de oído(=medio sordo) hard of hearing; (Mús) tone deaf

    5) Méx
    * (=borracho)
    ADV hard

    pégale o dale duro — hit him hard

    SM (=cinco pesetas) five pesetas; (=moneda) five-peseta coin

    estar sin un duro* to be broke *

    - ¡lo que faltaba para el duro!
    - ¡y que te den dos duros!

    vender duros a tres pesetas —

    4. SM / F
    1) [en película, historia] tough character

    se hizo el duro para disimular su tristezahe acted the tough guy o hard man in order to hide his sadness

    2) (Pol) hard-liner
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    1) < mineral> hard; < material> hard, tough; <asiento/colchón> hard; < carne> tough; < músculo> hard; < pan> stale
    2) <luz/voz> harsh; < facciones> hard, harsh; < agua> hard
    a) (severo, riguroso) < persona> harsh, hard; <castigo/palabras> harsh, severe; <crítica/ataque> harsh; < clima> harsh; < juego> rough, hard

    estuviste or fuiste demasiado duro con él — you were too hard on him

    b) (difícil, penoso) <trabajo/vida> hard, tough

    estar duro — (Méx fam) ( poco probable) to be unlikely; ( muy difícil) to be tough

    estar duro de pelar — (fam) < problema> to be tough o hard (colloq)

    ser duro de pelar — (fam) < persona> to be a hard o tough nut to crack

    4) (Per) ( tacaño) (fam) tight (colloq), stingy (colloq)
    adverbio (esp AmL) <trabajar/estudiar/llover> hard

    hable más duro — (Col, Ven) speak up!

    reírse duro — (Col, Ven) to laugh loudly

    agárrense duro — (Col, Ven) hold on tight

    duro y parejo — (AmL fam) flat out

    darle duro y parejo al trabajoto work flat out

    1) ( en España) (Hist) five-peseta coin

    estar sin un duro — (Esp fam) to be broke (colloq)

    a) (fam) ( en películas) tough guy
    b) (Pol) hardliner
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    1) < mineral> hard; < material> hard, tough; <asiento/colchón> hard; < carne> tough; < músculo> hard; < pan> stale
    2) <luz/voz> harsh; < facciones> hard, harsh; < agua> hard
    a) (severo, riguroso) < persona> harsh, hard; <castigo/palabras> harsh, severe; <crítica/ataque> harsh; < clima> harsh; < juego> rough, hard

    estuviste or fuiste demasiado duro con él — you were too hard on him

    b) (difícil, penoso) <trabajo/vida> hard, tough

    estar duro — (Méx fam) ( poco probable) to be unlikely; ( muy difícil) to be tough

    estar duro de pelar — (fam) < problema> to be tough o hard (colloq)

    ser duro de pelar — (fam) < persona> to be a hard o tough nut to crack

    4) (Per) ( tacaño) (fam) tight (colloq), stingy (colloq)
    adverbio (esp AmL) <trabajar/estudiar/llover> hard

    hable más duro — (Col, Ven) speak up!

    reírse duro — (Col, Ven) to laugh loudly

    agárrense duro — (Col, Ven) hold on tight

    duro y parejo — (AmL fam) flat out

    darle duro y parejo al trabajoto work flat out

    1) ( en España) (Hist) five-peseta coin

    estar sin un duro — (Esp fam) to be broke (colloq)

    a) (fam) ( en películas) tough guy
    b) (Pol) hardliner
    * * *
    1 = harsh [harsher -comp., harshest -sup.], severe [severer -comp., severest -sup.], stiff [stiffer -comp., stiffest -sup.], tough [tougher -comp., toughest -sup.], flinty [flintier -comp., flintiest -sup.], hard [harder -comp., hardest -sup.], stern, rough [rougher -comp., roughest -sup.], rugged, hard-nosed, unfeeling, tough-minded, hard-line, hardy [hardier -comp., hardiest -sup.], hard-wearing, gruelling [grueling, -USA].

    Ex: In this unhappy pattern SLIS are not being singled out for especially harsh treatment.

    Ex: Obviously if it were not for the fact that such indexes also have severe limitations there would be little need to produce any other type of subject index.
    Ex: Ironically, however, the internal organisation walls librarians have built to categorise materials by format remain stiff and solid.
    Ex: As educators, then, we need to ask ourselves some very tough questions -- some to which we would rather not hear the answers.
    Ex: 'I wish she'd tell me when she asks one of my people to do something,' she added in the same flinty tone.
    Ex: The amount of stuffing in the balls was varied to suit the nature of the work; large, soft balls with weak ink were used for low-grade work; small, hard balls and strong ink for work of better quality.
    Ex: There are two good reasons for this stern rule.
    Ex: The changes for the latter group are going to be abrupt, and rough -- very revolutionary.
    Ex: The article 'Where no drive has gone before: ruggedized CD-ROM drives' provides examples of conditions where CD-ROM drives need to be particularly rugged (severe industrial conditions, severe shock and vibration conditions, and severe military conditions).
    Ex: Companies must adopt a hard-nosed attitude in judging the cost benefits of teletext.
    Ex: The discourteous, unfeeling, & degrading reception encountered by job applicants is discussed.
    Ex: Carnegie was a conservative, rigidly moralistic, and tough-minded individualist.
    Ex: Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
    Ex: These plants are often not as hardy when placed in the garden under less than hothouse conditions.
    Ex: The manufacturers of this type of artificial turf say that while the grass is soft and springy underfoot it is extremely tough and hard-wearing.
    Ex: He has become one of the first people in the world to complete a gruelling foot race involving four deserts on four different continents.
    * actuar duro = play + hardball.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * arreglárselas a duras penas = muddle through.
    * avanzar a duras penas = flounder, grind on.
    * cara dura = impudence, effrontery, blatancy, shameless, shamelessness.
    * ciencias duras, las = hard sciences, the.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * de línea dura = hard-line.
    * disco duro = hard disc.
    * dura realidad = fact of life, harsh reality.
    * duro como una piedra = rock-hard.
    * duro de corazón = hard-hearted.
    * duro de oído = hard-of-hearing.
    * duro despertar = rude awakening.
    * duro golpe = cruel blow.
    * duro revés = cruel blow.
    * edición en cubierta dura = hardcover.
    * edición en tapas duras = hardcover.
    * ganarse la vida a duras penas = eke out + a living, scratch (out) + a living, scrape + a living, eke out + an existence.
    * hacerse el duro = play it + cool, play + hard to get.
    * hueso duro = tough nut.
    * hueso duro de roer = uphill struggle, tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack.
    * huevo duro = hard-boiled egg.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * libro impreso en pastas duras = board book.
    * madera dura = hardwood.
    * ¿mano blanda o mano dura? = the carrot vs. the stick.
    * mano blanda y mano dura = carrots and sticks.
    * mano dura = iron fist, iron hand.
    * más duro que la suela de un zapato = as tough as leather, as tough as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más duro que una piedra = as tough as nuts, as tough as nails, as tough as leather, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * paladar duro = hard palate.
    * pastas duras = hard cover.
    * personas que son duras de oído, las = hard of hearing, the.
    * pornografía dura = hard core pornography.
    * puro y duro = unvarnished.
    * recibir duras críticas = take + a pounding, take + a beating.
    * salir adelante a duras penas = eke out + a living, scratch (out) + a living, scrape + a living, eke out + an existence.
    * sector duro = hard sector.
    * tan duro como el pedernal = as hard as nails.
    * tan duro como la piedra = as hard as nails.
    * tan duro como la suela de un zapato = as tough as leather, as tough as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * tan duro como una piedra = as hard as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as nails, as tough as leather, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * tenerlo duro = not be easy.
    * tener un duro despertar = rude awakening + be in store.
    * trabajar duro = labour [labor, -USA], toil, slave away.
    * trabajo duro = hard graft, hard labour, thirsty work, hard work.

    * dejar a Alguien sin un duro = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * estar sin un duro = not have a bean.
    * faltar el canto de un duro para = by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth, come + very close to.
    * no tener un duro = not have a bean.
    * novela a duro = dime and nickel novel.
    * sin un duro = broke, down-and-out, skint, penniless.
    * * *
    duro1 -ra
    1 ‹mineral› hard; ‹material› hard, tough; ‹asiento/colchón› hard; ‹carne› tough; ‹músculo› hard
    las zanahorias todavía están duras the carrots are still hard
    2 ‹pan›
    este pan está duro como una piedra this bread is rock-hard
    pan duro para rallar stale bread for making breadcrumbs
    3 (entumecido) ‹cuello/dedos› stiff
    estoy duro de frío ( fam); I'm frozen stiff
    1 ‹luz/voz› harsh; ‹facciones› hard, harsh
    2 ‹agua› hard
    1 (severo, riguroso) ‹persona› harsh, hard; ‹castigo/palabras› harsh, severe; ‹crítica/ataque› harsh; ‹clima› harsh
    estuviste demasiado duro con él you were too hard on him
    una postura más dura a tougher line
    los defensores de la línea dura the hardliners, those who favor a tough stance
    el equipo es famoso por su juego duro the team is notorious for its rough o hard play
    lo que hace falta aquí es una mano dura what's needed here is a firm hand
    2 (difícil, penoso) ‹trabajo/vida› hard, tough
    fue un golpe muy duro para ella it was a very hard o a terrible blow for her
    a las duras y a las maduras through thick and thin ( colloq)
    estar duro ( Méx fam) (poco probable) to be unlikely; (muy difícil) to be tough
    está duro que nos aumenten el sueldo it's unlikely that we'll get a pay rise
    estar duro de pelar ( fam); ‹problema› to be tough o hard ( colloq)
    ser duro de pelar ( fam); ‹persona› to be a hard o tough nut to crack
    3 ( fam) (torpe) dumb ( colloq)
    es duro para los idiomas he's useless at languages ( colloq)
    D ( Per) (tacaño) ( fam) tight ( colloq), stingy ( colloq)
    ( esp AmL) ‹trabajar/estudiar/llover› hard
    ¡pégale duro! hit him hard!
    ¡agárrate duro! hold on tight!
    le estamos dando duro we're working hard on it
    los periódicos le dieron duro the newspapers gave him a rough ride
    hable más duro (Col, Ven); speak up!
    estábamos riéndonos muy duro (Col, Ven); we were laughing very loudly
    agárrense duro (Col, Ven); hold on tight
    corrimos bien duro (Col, Ven); we ran really fast
    duro y parejo ( AmL fam); flat out
    A (en España) ( Hist) five-peseta coin
    estar sin un duro ( Esp fam); to be broke ( colloq)
    1 ( fam) (en películas) tough guy
    2 ( Pol) hardliner
    * * *


    Del verbo durar: ( conjugate durar)

    duro es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    duró es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    durar ( conjugate durar) verbo intransitivo
    a) [reunión/guerra/relación] to last;

    ¿cuánto dura la película? how long is the film?

    b) [coche/zapatos] to last

    c) (Col, Ven) See Also→ demorar a

    durarse verbo pronominal (Ven) See Also

    duro 1 -ra adjetivo
    1 ( en general) hard;
    carne tough;
    pan stale;

    2luz/voz harsh;
    facciones hard, harsh
    a) (severo, riguroso) harsh;

    juego rough, hard;

    una postura más dura a tougher line
    b) (difícil, penoso) ‹trabajo/vida hard, tough;

    duro 2 adverbio (esp AmL) ‹trabajar/estudiar/llover hard;
    hablar› (Col, Ven) loudly
    duro 3 sustantivo masculino ( en España) (Hist) five-peseta coin
    durar verbo intransitivo
    1 to last
    2 (ropa, calzado) to wear well, last
    I adjetivo
    1 hard: ... y también dos huevos duros,... and also two hard-boiled eggs
    2 (insensible, intransigente) harsh, hard: su mirada era dura, her look was harsh
    3 (violento, brusco) rough: aguanté una dura reprimenda, I endured a rough reprimand
    II m (moneda) five-peseta coin
    III adverbio hard
    ' duro' also found in these entries:
    - canto
    - disco
    - dura
    - durante
    - edificación
    - golpe
    - huevo
    - larga
    - largo
    - mollera
    - oído
    - pelar
    - roer
    - sobremesa
    - suela
    - tarugo
    - aplastar
    - entrado
    - noviazgo
    - pesado
    - piedra
    - rock
    - tieso
    - blow
    - broke
    - celebration
    - cold-hearted
    - dammit
    - disc
    - disk
    - easy
    - elbow-grease
    - empire
    - exacting
    - exertion
    - graft
    - grill
    - gristle
    - hard
    - hard disk
    - hard porn
    - hard-boiled
    - hard-core
    - harsh
    - hawkish
    - lack
    - last
    - long
    - nail
    - not
    - nougat
    - nut
    - penny
    - punishing
    - recognition
    - rough
    - rugged
    - second
    - severe
    - slog
    - stale
    - stark
    - stiff
    - sweat
    - thrive
    - toil
    - tough
    - tough-minded
    - arduous
    - boil
    - dense
    - firm
    * * *
    duro, -a
    1. [objeto, material, superficie] hard;
    [carne] tough; [pan] stale;
    estas peras están todavía muy duras these pears are still hard o not ripe;
    ponérsele dura a alguien: se me puso dura I got a hard-on;
    estar duro como una piedra to be rock-hard;
    más dura será la caída: cuanto más famosos se hagan, más dura será la caída the more famous they get, the worse it is when they fall from popularity;
    ser duro de mollera [estúpido] to be thick in the head;
    [testarudo] to be pigheaded; Fam
    ser duro de oído to be hard of hearing
    2. [cerradura, grifo, mecanismo] stiff;
    los cajones van un poco duros the drawers are a bit stiff
    3. [agua] hard
    4. [penoso, inclemente] [clima, invierno] harsh, severe;
    [etapa, experiencia, vida] hard, tough;
    fue un golpe muy duro para todos it was a heavy blow for everybody;
    son o [m5] corren tiempos muy duros these are hard times;
    estar a las duras y a las maduras [sin rendirse] to be there through thick and thin;
    [sin quejarse] to take the rough with the smooth
    5. [severo, áspero] [persona, palabras, críticas] harsh, severe;
    [acciones, medidas, condena] harsh; [postura, sector] hard-line; [juego, partido] rough;
    estuvo muy duro con él he was very hard on him;
    el ala dura del partido the hard-line faction of the party;
    una entrada muy dura [de futbolista] a very hard tackle
    6. [fuerte, resistente] tough;
    un tipo duro a tough guy;
    ser duro de pelar to be a hard nut to crack
    1. [persona] tough guy;
    [en partido político] hardliner;
    hacerse el duro to act tough
    2. Esp Antes [moneda] 5-peseta coin;
    me debes 1.000 duros you owe me 5,000 pesetas;
    5 duros [moneda] 25-peseta coin;
    estar sin un duro to be flat broke;
    ¡lo que faltaba para el duro! that really is all we needed!;
    que le/te/ etc [m5] den dos duros to hell with him/you/ etc
    1. [mucho] hard;
    trabajar duro to work hard
    2. Col, Ven Fam [alto] loudly;
    hablar duro to talk loudly;
    reír duro to laugh noisily
    3. Col, Ven Fam [rápido] quickly, fast;
    nadan muy duro, es imposible alcanzarlos they're very strong swimmers, it's impossible to catch them
    4. Col, Ven Fam [fuerte] hard;
    pégale duro hit him hard
    * * *
    I adj
    1 material hard; carne tough
    2 clima, fig
    duro de oído fam hard of hearing;
    duro de corazón hard-hearted;
    ser duro de pelar be a tough nut to crack
    II adv hard
    III m five peseta coin
    * * *
    duro adv
    : hard
    trabajé tan duro: I worked so hard
    duro, -ra adj
    1) : hard, tough
    2) : harsh, severe
    * * *
    duro1 adj
    1. (en general) hard
    2. (carne, persona) tough
    3. (castigo, clima) harsh
    4. (pan) stale
    duro2 adv hard
    duro3 n five peseta coin

    Spanish-English dictionary > duro

  • 9 промышленного качества

    Промышленного качества-- The drill guide lubricant to be used should be a commercial grade of shovel dipper stick grease.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > промышленного качества

  • 10 hoogwaardig lagervet

    • high-grade bearing grease

    Nederlands-Engels Technisch Woordenboek > hoogwaardig lagervet

  • 11 Lambswool Yarns

    Lambswool yarns are short staple yarns, spun from a mixture of waste and low-grade wools. The waste is opened, carded, condensed, and mule spun. A large proportion of oil is necessary in carding. The count basis is 176 yards per lb. for 1's in the grease. The term gauge is invariably used for numbering, thus 18 gauge lambswool, written 18G, represents a yarn having 176 X 18 yards per lb. in oil. The equivalent Bradford worsted count is lambs-wool gauge number: 3.18. Lambswool yarns are used for the making of coarse underwear, half-hose, and gloves, which are subsequently milled to obtain a soft feel and full appearance.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Lambswool Yarns

  • 12 New Zealand Wool

    A high-grade crossbred wool and one of the most useful wools of commerce. It is obtained by crossing merino ewes with Lincoln or Leicester rams. It has a staple of good and regular length and is soft in handle. It is used extensively for mixing with shoddy and mungo fibres to impart bulk and spinning qualities. New Zealand wools in the main are fairly free from vegetable matter, and this gives the wools a value very often more than like qualities from other countries. Merino wool is a small part of New Zealand production, probably not more than 5 per cent. The wool is generally free from vegetable matter, but is rather "lean" in character, the quality is not equal to the better-known Australian types, while the shrinkage is fairly heavy owing more to heavy grease rather than earthy matter.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > New Zealand Wool

См. также в других словарях:

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